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Christopher Global

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Redefining Project Management: Why People Alignment is the Key in a Product-Focused World

In project management, functional oversight is a problem. Right away, I'm sure you're telling me that's PM responsibility. Historically speaking, this isn't true.

Describe the exact role a project manager plays for me in five seconds. Now take away all the functional value that you see from a project manager and only include the strategic value. What was the difference between the first and second list? The reason for this isn't that project management isn't valued. The pendulum swing from a people-focused organization to a product-focused organization has caused this change. To put it another way, every resource supports a product or a client.

Any role, even project management, has value, but the number one unavoidable truth in any organization is that without people, there is no organization. It's absolutely necessary to have a role that oversees the well-being and care of people, in addition to the scope and schedule of organizational goals. Most people don't see their managers as that person. True project leaders do not need authority. Due to their relationships, they have earned respect. It is possible for a good PM to become the "true" leader of the organization.

People alignment is also part of your strategy. Research any delivery methodology thoroughly. We've become content with saying we need functional alignment. Who runs that function? People. People alignment involves earning respect; an unavoidable truth. People alignment is cross-functional alignment.  People are the prerequisite to building products, so let's take care of them, which is everyone's role and responsibility, especially the project resources.

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