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How to Navigate Ambiguity with a Clear Process

Ambiguity "acknowledges the challenge we have in understanding and assessing reality. It is hard to know what is going on and what we need to do to improve it." (PMI, 2022). This is a real concept that most people find cringeworthy in an organization. If you were an archer, ambiguity would be like moving targets. All of the factors (distance, wind speed, height) are constantly changing before you shoot the arrow.

We've published several articles about VUCA in the past two weeks. The acronym VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and now ambiguity. Ambiguous environments can make it difficult to make the right decisions. The use of data can certainly give you a more intelligent perspective, but in ambiguous environments, even data is constantly changing.

You can address ambiguity in any environment and company using a solid plan. The process is:

  1. Gather the requirements

  2. Get approvals

  3. Execute the plan

  4. Obtain signoffs

In periods of heightened ambiguity, it's crucial to remain both diligent and strategic. While it's common for leaders to challenge your work—even after approvals—ambiguous situations often fall beyond your direct control.

What remains firmly within your control is your process to address ambiguity and the ability to substantiate your decisions. Rely on data, whether it evolves or remains static, and align your actions with leadership's guidance. Consistently present your work, backed by clear signoffs. The key is to maintain control over your process and demonstrate accountability.


Project Management Institute. (2022, December). VUCA– Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.

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